Awesome! Your Assessment Is Complete And Your Career Strategy Session Is Scheduled

Please check your email for a calendar invitation and the Zoom link for our call

Hello! My name is Aly, Founder of Aly Talent, and thank you for scheduling your Breakthrough Career Session with me.

We have sent you a confirmation of your call time and date via email, so please make sure that you put this on your calendar right now.

The email is titled "[Aly Talent] Confirm your scheduled meeting" and if you don't see it, please check your spam or junk folder.

We will be speaking via the Zoom link sent to you when you booked your call.

If you are not available via Zoom video call, please let me know by emailing me at Also, please be ready at the precise time that you selected.

To make sure we get the most out of this call, please make sure you come prepared:

✅ Summarize your career search results to date

✅ Know your goals: be prepared to be transparent about what's keeping you from hitting your goals

✅ Think through what makes you unique among your peers.

I look forward to helping you take your HR career to the next level and achieve massive success!


Have you received your copy of our 3 Shifts Career Guide yet?

If you haven't read our 3 Shifts Career Guide for HR professionals, click the button below to get your copy immediately. Make sure you read it before we speak, so we can get right into your job search action plan.

I'm looking forward to speaking with you, and helping you take your HR career to the next level!